Note: This feature requires review monitoring

  • Send out reviews on demand or automatically to Facebook and Twitter
  • Include review as an image, text, or both

Our social sharing feature allows you to publish your latest and greatest reviews to your Facebook or Twitter pages automatically.

Link your accounts

First, make sure that you are logged into the Facebook and/or Twitter account(s) you are linking (this is required for authentication).

Note: You don’t need to be the Facebook page owner, you just need the credentials to authorize our system to share content to the Facebook business page. Facebook “page roles” exist so businesses can give others limited access to the Facebook page. You don’t have to be the admin, but you do have to be an admin or an “editor” of the Facebook page. This permission can be removed at any time by the page owner. You can read about this on Facebook pages here and here.

Once you have this access, the Facebook page will be among the options available for you to share content to from our system.

To link your accounts, navigate to Dashboard > Reviews > Settings. Click Add Facebook account or Add Twitter account and follow the steps in the popup to authenticate your account and authorize the app.

Note: If you ever remove permissions for our app in Facebook or change your Facebook password, you will need to re-add Facebook here. Please ensure that there are no privacy restrictions in place on the page (you can do so in the page’s settings section).

Auto-share all new positive reviews

review stream auto-sharing

With auto-sharing, you can automatically publish reviews to your Facebook page or Twitter feed whenever they come in – no action required. Simple configure your options under Review Stream Auto-Sharing.

  • Share new reviews on social media:
    • Never: turns off auto-sharing
    • At a random time: publishes your new positive reviews at a random time between the hours you specify in Between and Time Zone.
    • Immediately: publishes your new positive reviews as soon as they are pulled into review monitoring

Clicking Advanced will open the template editor, where you can edit the default text/content that goes out with each post, and include an optional image of your review.

advanced social settings


review image
A social sharing review image

Share a review on demand

Back in the Reviews tab, you’ll notice a blue Share button next to each review in the table. You can use this button to selectively share reviews to your social media pages on demand.


Screen Shot 2016-08-01 at 12.13.45 PM


When clicked, you can customize and schedule a post containing your review.

schedule review share


There are a few placeholders you can use in your post:

  • [[snippet]]: Includes a 200-character snippet of the review.
  • [[content]]: Includes the full content of the review
  • [[attribution]]: Includes the name of the reviewer as displayed on the review site of origin

Once you’ve added content and selected a date and time, press Submit to schedule your post.