If you are a sub-user and are unable to set up your account, please contact your account administrator. They will be able to send you a new invitation with a new link.

  • Send an email reminder to a user who has not yet set up their login.

Currently, a user’s invitation token will no longer be valid if:

  • It’s been over two weeks since their invitation was sent
  • Another invitation was sent to them before they finished setting up their account

Even if you simply want to remind a user to set up their account, you can re-send their invitation.

Navigate to Manage > User Accounts. Find the user you’d like to re-invite, then click the Resend Invitation button (resend invitation button) under the Actions column for their entry.

Confirm your choice and the email will be re-sent. Note that sending out a new invitation will invalidate any old invitations. The user must use the link in the new email to set up their login.