• Use the Email/Text Activity tab to see what actions recipients have taken with your campaign emails
  • Track opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and bounces
  • Automatically unsubscribe recipients who have opened or clicked through an email or text message

Activity is logged in the Email/Text Activity column.

  • Opened means that the recipient opened the email, but did not click the link to the landing page inside
  • Clicked means that the recipient opened the email and clicked the link to the landing page
  • Unsubscribed means that the recipient unsubscribed themselves from the campaign using the link provided in the email (unsubscribes will also display for recipients still on the inactive list. A yellow unsubscribe icon true icon will appear next to their entry in that list)
  • Bounced means that the email was not delivered to the recipient (bounces can be due to anything from the recipient having a full mailbox to their email server malfunctioning)

Note that you can also automatically deactivate recipients by toggling Deactivate Recipients on open/click/clickthrough to Yes.