See also: VIDEO – How to export campaign data in a CSV

  • Generate and download a CSV spreadsheet with your recipients and campaign statistics

You are able to generate CSV spreadsheets containing campaign stats for all of your pending, active, and inactive recipients. You can also generate a CSV spreadsheet with stats for all of your archived recipients – that is, those who are no longer on the pending, active, or inactive lists.

To generate one of these files, Navigate to Dashboard > Invites > Recipients.

To export data for your current pending, active, and inactive recipients, click Export to CSV next to Export recent recipient data. Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click and “Save as”.

To export data for your past recipients – i.e. those who are no longer on any recipients list – click Export archived to CSV next to Export archived recipient data. Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click and “Save as”.

Select a destination for your file and it will be saved to your computer. You can open .CSV files with most spreadsheet software, including:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • OpenOffice
  • Google Sheets

What’s in the spreadsheet?

Column by column, the spreadsheet contents are as follows:

  • email_address (column A): The recipient’s email address as added to the campaign, if any
  • phone_number (B): The recipient’s mobile phone number as added to the campaign, if any
  • first_name (C): The recipient’s first name as added to the campaign
  • last_name (D): The recipient’s last name as added to the campaign, if any
  • sent_count (E): How many emails or texts they have received 
  • started_at (F): The date they first received a campaign message
  • last_sent_at (G): When the most recent campaign message was sent
  • is_pending (H): Whether they are on the pending recipients list or not (true/false)
  • is_active (I): Whether they are on the active recipients list or not (true/false)
  • is_archived (J): Whether they have been deleted entirely from your camapaign or not (true/false)
  • rejected (K): Whether the recipient’s email provider rejected the sender address or not (true/false)
  • blocked (L): Whether the recipient’s email provider blocked the message or not (true/false)
  • bounced (M): Whether the email message bounced or not (true/false)
  • clicked (N): Whether the recipient clicked the message’s review link or not (true/false)
  • flagged (O): Whether the email message was flagged as spam or not (true/false)
  • opened (P): Whether the recipient opened the message or not (true/false)