• Export customer feedback via Dashboard > Reviews > Customer Feedback > Export to CSV

To export all submissions collected via the customer feedback form, first go to Dashboard > Reviews > Customer Feedback.

Customer feedback tab

Click Export to CSV.

Export to CSV button

You’ll be prompted to save the file to your computer. The final exported CSV will look something like this:

Customer feedback CSV export

The CSV contains the following columns:

  • name: the name left by the reviewer
  • email: the email address left by the reviewer
  • phone: the phone number the reviewer provided, if any
  • message: the full content of the review
  • date: the date and time the review was posted or added to the system
  • origin_ip_address: the IP address of the reviewer
  • response_status: displays the internal response status flag applied to the review, if there is one
  • notes: displays any notes attached to the response status flag