Reset your password Please request a password reset from your account administrator. They will be able to send you an email with a link to reset your password.
Category: Troubleshooting
How do I reset a user’s password?
If you are a sub-user and have forgotten your password, please contact your account administrator – they will be able to send you a password reset email. Restore a user’s access to their login by resetting their password To reset a user’s password, navigate to Manage > User Accounts. In the user list, find the […]
How do I unblock a recipient email address or phone number?
Unblock and reactivate an email address or phone number Useful for users and employees who include themselves on campaign recipient lists Not recommended for re-adding customers except upon request Many users like to include themselves or an employee on their campaign recipient list in order to confirm and see what’s going out to their customers […]
Why are my outgoing emails showing me as “unknown sender”?
If your outgoing emails are displaying like this: …or otherwise strangely, it’s typically because you are including a comma in your sender name. When used in a sender name, commas and semicolons tend to cause display issues. This is because most email clients interpret commas and semicolons as the ‘dividing line’ between two email addresses. […]