• Unblock and reactivate an email address or phone number
  • Useful for users and employees who include themselves on campaign recipient lists
  • Not recommended for re-adding customers except upon request

Many users like to include themselves or an employee on their campaign recipient list in order to confirm and see what’s going out to their customers (and how – for the purpose of testing single messages, we provide a Send a Test button for both email (located in Dashboard > Invites > Email) and text messages (locates in Dashboard > Invites > Phone/Text). There are also small number of use cases where you may want to quickly re-add recipients to your campaign.

You may run into trouble if you’ve already added a test recipient for one campaign run and you are the same recipient onto a second run. Fortunately, the fix is simple.

Automatic recipient archiving

When you’ve received all of the emails in a campaign, you are moved to the Inactive Recipients list, which doesn’t completely delete you from the campaign system. Rather, it marks that you have completed the campaign, which is why you’re being blocked from receiving any more emails. This is meant to prevent you from accidentally sending your campaign to the same customer twice in a short time period (an action that is possible, but contrary to our recommended best practices).

By default, your recipients will be automatically archived – i.e. removed from the Inactive list – after 180 days. If you are an admin of your account, you can adjust this date by going to Dashboard > Invites > Recipients > Inactive. Click on the number next to Days before removing past recipients to change it.

Once a recipient has been on your Inactive list for the number of days you set here, their address will be archived and able to be re-added.

Bypassing the archive date

You can also delete a recipient and re-add them to your campaign before they’re archived.

To see the address you’d like to re-add, you’ll first have to switch over to the Inactive view (Make sure you’re at Dashboard > Invites > Recipients).

Then, simply click the ‘X’ next to the appropriate name’s entry in the list. You can also click the Delete all Inactive Recipients button directly above the left side of the table.

Now you will be able to re-add the deleted addresses to the Pending, then Active Recipients lists.

The (optional) Opt-in Form Exception

We’ve included an optional toggle on the Opt-in form that allows you to re-activate Inactive recipients when they are input via the Opt-in form only (reason being, the opt-in form is designed for the end customer to opt themselves into the email or text campaign).

Access this toggle in Dashboard > Invites > Invite & Opt-in Forms > Opt-in Form > Advanced. From there, set Allow recipients to be re-added and reactivated? to Yes.