- Custom reporting options allow you to add a custom title and include only the sections you want
- Include elements from prospect reports
When generating a report in Dashboard > Reports, you can add a custom title and choose which sections you’d like to include in your report. Check the Customize report sections? box to see your options.

By default, a report will include Map and Location, Reputation Overview, Review Volume, Funnel Activity, and New Reviews.
Map and Location
Toggling on this feature will display a map and location info for the business on the cover page of the report.
Reputation Overview
The reputation overview section contains basic information about your overall review reputation across time, including your:
- Overall average star rating
- Your ratings distribution by star rating
- Your ratings distribution by sentiment
Review Volume
This section provides a site-by-site breakdown of where your reviews are occurring. It also provides information on your Facebook likes and Foursquare checkins if you have added those links to your account.
New Reviews
This section covers activity for the time period you specified when generating the report. The graph will show your review count over time (blue field), and your overall star rating over time (black line).
Below the graph you will find a site-by-site breakdown of new reviews, as well as the average star rating of your new reviews and their impact on your overall star rating and review count.
Prospect Report Options
Use these options in tandem with the above to to create enhanced prospect reports. Note that you must create a landing page with review monitoring for your prospect (we recommend resellers keep one active ‘dummy’ page for this purpose).
Issues and Overall Score
This section identifies issues with the business’ presence on review sites, offers suggested areas for improvement, and provides an overall ‘reputation score’ (which is calculated using a proprietary algorithm).
Listings Strength
This section provides a breakdown of reviews quantity and rating on the review sites you’ve loaded in (if you’re using the Prospect Report tool, it will pull information from the sites listed below via API).