Schedule a recurring report

Scheduled reports are automatically generated and emailed out to you and/or your clients on a recurring basis. The default email sends out the report as a PDF attachment, but we also allow you to include a link to your report hosted on the web (formatted as a standard webpage, not a PDF) – simply add the [[report_url]] placeholder to your email.

To create a new report schedule, go to Dashboard > Reporting and click Schedule a Report.

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A new tab will appear where you can set up your new schedule. You’ll be taken to it automatically the first time. There are several parameters you can adjust within this tab:

  • Email content: Edit the email that goes out with each report. The editor accepts HTML. Simply click on any text field to edit it. We also provide placeholders for certain values in case they change. Add a From name to display a sender name to the recipient. Add a Reply-to address to receive any responses your automated emails may receive from clients or other recipients.

report email edit


report email placeholders
Automated report email placeholders
  • Schedule: When and how often reports are generated and sent. The default setting is monthly on the last day of the month. Click the text box to change. Note that when you click on a new date, it’s included in addition to any other dates already selected. You must also deselect any dates you’d like to remove from the schedule.

report scheduling calendar

  • The timeframe covered by the report: the default timeframe is the last 3 months. Click the text box to change.
  • White-labeling options for the report: you can send out a report with our branding (select No) or any of your brands that you’ve added. Click the text field to display a drop down menu with your brands.
  • Toggle the location map cover page on or off
  • Add Recipient email addresses to receive the report

Once you’ve made your changes, click Update Settings to change them.

To delete a schedule and all of its settings, click the Stop This Report button.

unschedule report