• If you set up a custom domain with us, you can optionally set up one of our boilerplate lead-gen pages on that domain
  • While many elements of the page are customizable, creating your own lead-gen page will allow you the most flexibility

To access the lead-gen page editor, select the domain from the drop-down menu in the top left of the dashboard. Domains are located at the bottom of the menu.

Alternatively, go to Manage > Brands and select Edit from the Actions column.

customized lead-gen page
A customized lead-gen page

The ‘Brand Settings’ page

Brand settings are located under the Brand Settings tab at the top of the Brand Dashboard.

brand settings
On the Brand Settings page, you can do the following:

1) Change your brand domain or subdomain

Enter your new domain or subdomain (no http or www) in the field and select the corresponding domain type.

2) Change your brand name and tagline

You can edit your brand name and tagline, both of which will appear in the lead-gen page header. The brand name will also appear on select client-facing assets such as the Invite Form and Performance and Prospect reports.

The tagline will not disappear if you uncheck the Show name, too? box. To remove the tagline altogether, simply leave the field blank.

3) Add or update your logo

lead gen page logo

Upload a logo and it will appear in the header of your page. Much like the landing page, you can choose to remove or include the brand name text by checking or unchecking the Show name, too? box.

 4) Add a Favicon


Adding a favicon will place it in the browser tab when your lead-gen page is loaded. Please use the .ICO file format.

5) Touch and tile icon

Adding a touch and tile icon will display the uploaded image when your page is bookmarked and added to the home screen on a mobile device. This doesn’t happen too often ;)

6) Colors

Choose from one of our pre-made color schemes to better reflect your branding.

7) Add a physical address for your brand

brand physical address

Under Brand Physical Address, you can type in your brand’s physical location. It will appear at the footer of the lead-gen page and on client-facing system emails.

As always, click Update Brand to save your changes.

The ‘Page Content’ tab

In Dashboard > Brand & Landing Page > Page Content, you can:

1) Change the text content of your lead-gen page with HTML

You can (and should!) edit our boilerplate text to match your specific branding and target customer. You can also add in HTML elements by clicking “<>” to access the source code.

2) Select review site logos to display on the lead-gen page

Select from any of our supported review sites to target your chosen vertical. Add sites by clicking the Add Site button, clicking on the new field, and selecting from the menu that appears. Delete sites by clicking the X button icon next to the chosen entry.

3) Sidebar setup

The default sidebar settings will leave our simple contact form in place.

standard lead-gen form
Our simple contact form

You can edit the message that appears at the top of the form by modifying the text field located under Sidebar message. Replace the simple contact form with a pre-existing custom form by selecting Custom Form from the drop-down menu located above that field. Click the More link to edit the message that appears upon form submission.

Uncheck the Show sidebar? box to remove the sidebar altogether.

4) Review Scan lead-gen

page content - review scan lead gen sep 2017

Check the Show review scan tool? box to add this lead-gen tool to the bottom of your landing page. This tool will generate a prospect report for the user based on the information they submit. You will also be notified via email whenever somebody uses this tool and given the contact information they provided.

You can change the button text by editing the Review Scan button call-to-action field. This will also apply to the embeddable review scan widget.

review scan tool

You can also access this tool as an embeddable widget under the Widgets tab of the branding dashboard.

5) Add notification recipients

page content - notifications sep 2017

You can add recipients to notify of new submissions via the contact form or review scan tool.

6) Beyond Reviews

beyond reviews sep 2017

Add links to your social media accounts or an email opt-in form, just as on your landing page.

Be sure to click Update Page to save all changes.

update page

The ‘Page Setup’ tab

1) Choose a background image

We’ve introduced a handful of attractive background images that you can add to your page – this is entirely optional. Simply select an image from the dropdown menu. If our background images aren’t your cup of tea, you can add your own custom background image. You must host this image on the web so that it can be accessed via a URL.

To add a custom background image, click the pull-down arrow. Scroll to the bottom, then select Custom…

Next, copy and paste the URL of the image you want to use into the Custom background image URL box.

Click Update Settings to finish.

update settings

A lead-gen page with a custom background

2) 301 Redirect?

301 redirect

Use this option if you do not want to use our lead-gen page and prefer to link out to your own. Add the URL you’d like your root domain or subdomain to redirect to here.

3) Custom CSS and/or <head> HTML

brand page custom css html

Add your Custom CSS and HTML here. Note that there is an existing toggle for preventing search engine indexing – no need for the corresponding meta tags.

4) Other toggles

captcha and indexing

  • Check the Use CAPTCHA on forms? toggle to require the visitor to complete a CAPTCHA in order to submit an inquiry via the simple contact form or lead-gen form
  • Check Prevent Search engines indexing? to hide your lead-gen page from Google’s crawlers (not typically recommended)

As always, click Update Settings to save your changes.

update settings